How to use sweetfx with tf2
How to use sweetfx with tf2

how to use sweetfx with tf2

I don't know too much HLSL, by which I mean "almost none." I'm sure this should be possible to cobble together from stuff that's already in the SweetFX shaders, though, and for an idea I quite literally dreamt up, it seems very coherent and possible.List of useful console commands cl_ commands Dark Souls, for example: you can't use Darkroot Garden defog in the Demon Ruins.) Et voila. (This is to preserve the defog-replacement function of it in negative values - it also ought to work better than defog due to figuring out the colors of different scenes in games where they change. More saturated stuff gets more tinting, less saturated stuff gets less. The result is the "scene color." Something to keep it from changing the luma of the scene might be necessary - in the first case, you'd want a threshold setting to keep it from reading bloomy scenes' bright light-blurs as part of the scene color.Īfter finding the scene color, you apply it using a formula like vibrance, mapping saturation to tinting. Or we average the colors of the whole scene - in games with areas of differing "density" it'd probably not work too well for removing atmosphere, however. So how does this work? We find areas of low contrast in the scene and average their colors. It would also replace Defog by doing its job for it and better. I had an idea for how to automatically and intelligently thicken the atmosphere of any game - granted, it'll work best by FAR on games that have "themed colors" and some amount of fogginess, but in negatives it should work for these same games to improve their overall clarity and realism (or depending on the calculations, visa versa). Realism doesn't interest me most of the time. I like thick ambience and atmosphere, as I've mentioned before., I hope I'm not drowning you in feature requests, but one came to me in a dream last night.

How to use sweetfx with tf2